Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy (Late) Thanksgiving!

I tend to always be late on posting for the Holidays-mostly because I am not much of a fan of typing up a post on a Holiday due to the fact I usually like to spend most of my time with mi familia. However I still did want to wish all who celebrated Thanksgiving to hope they had a good one. Thanksgiving is a fabulous holiday. My friend and I the a couple days ago were actually talking about all the stuff we take for granite and from now on I am really going to try to not take everything I have for grant. I know that I do have more then others and it saddens me to know that others don't even get to have any of there dreams come true. I am a firm believer in Bucket Lists and I plan to complete all the things on mine but some people can never because of circumstances they can not even control. But I thought I would show you all what I am thankful for and if you wish you can post all that you are thankful for and ill be more then happy to read it!

I am thankful for:

My Parents- They do so much for me, My mother keeps me sane and is always there for me. I would be extremely lost without her. She is honestly the sister I don't have. (we even share clothes and makeup:)My dad keeps me laughing and happy. He teaches me how to stay motivated and how to do your best and finish what your started.

My Brothers- My older brother is always there to tell me the truth and is the most motivating person I know. He is always there screaming at me during races and encouraging me. He helps me realize that I can do it. My twin brother is another person who makes me laugh all the time. He is someone who is usually on my side and understands alot of the things I am going through since were doing them together.

My Grandmother-For being strong and being the best cook.

My extended family-For all of there unconditional love.

Music-Without is my world would be sad and I would have broken down long ago. It pulls my though everything.

My experiences-I have witnessed so much in my life and took a lot of it for granite. I promise from now on to never let the heat, my mood, and exc. control my fate and put a damper on my parade. Because I wanna march higher and play louder then all and make a difference.

My Track coaches- Have inspired me in so many more way then I could put in words. Without them I wouldn't have been so in love with this sport and wanna do it as a living.

My Role models-they help me believe in dreams and make me wonder more then. Thank you.

Hope you all Have a Fantastic Friday.Take from this what you will.
ps. The 3 pieces of cherry pie I ate yesterday are still happliy in my stomach waiting for me to do some late Black Friday Shopping.

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